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We understand that during your struggle to manage your work effectively and your personal aspirations, you feel the need to reach out to a friend, an adviser, a counsel on how to promote your stance as an employee and how to overcome the opportunity areas you have identified for yourself. We can help you bridge the gap of your understanding about where you are and where you want to be in your career ladder. Just write to us!

Focus: • Ability & Learning • Values, Attitudes and Job Satisfaction • Personality & Emotions • Perception & Individual Decision Making • Basic Motivation Concepts • Motivation and its Applications

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Arijit Roychaudhury, Branch Vertical Head, The Times Group, Kolkata

I have gone through the feedback provided and it has been extremely helpful.

Would definitely be incorporating some of the changes suggested.


Thank you once again

Dilip Raju, HDFC Bank Ltd.,Warangal

Thanks for your timely support, always!

Vishal Tripathi, Pune 

The information that has been provided has been really helpful and will always help me move ahead in my journey of becoming a writer. And your website is doing a great job in guiding people across the world to achieve their dreams. People area always seeking for help and I was one of them, this one was the best that I received. 

Thanks again and wishing success to the HR Advisor team! 

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