We all live in a culturally diverse world. There is lot of variety around us. Due to various social, economic, geographic, psycho-logic and even genetic factors each one of us is a unique human being.
We are mostly proud of our being as an individual, however, we often fail to recognize this sense of belonging and worth in people we work with. This leads to conflicting situations.
Fortunately, we live in diverse world, We observe diversity in region, religion, caste, language, race, gender, color, and many other factors. It is very natural to be biased towards those factors which we can identify with individually, but unknowingly these create distances in work relations and lead us to make biased decisions.
We stand united on many revolutionary issues, but we do not realize the power of collaboration on everyday basis. The strength that mankind is capable of; what we can collectively achieve by being more tolerant and inclusive is massive.
This website is an effort to address the questions which make people uncomfortable working together - in their peer network, with seniors, with people of opposite gender, with people of different demographics. Scenarios where one does not understand how to accept an individual who has different perspective and how to achieve success together.
You must connect with us to share your experience of collaboration and coping up with these challenges, write to us if you need assistance to sort challenges of this kind.
Lets work together for " Happy Workers, Happier Workplaces".
Our Motto - Unleash the power of "Human Resources" through collaboration. Our work is an effort to make your workplace a happy place!
Our USP - We use pure HR Anthropological insights to provide HR/OB solutions. This is a unique venture wherein the organisational and personnel interests are understood with a deep understanding of socioeconomic and gender factors which influence decision making and happiness factor at work! We understand skills and human capabilities as biggest resources and provide solutions to your questions considering human as well as organisational aspects
Background: This project is to introduce the concept of “Anthropology in HR”. This is not much explored topic. Anthropology is a holistic discipline intertwining evolution of humans while studying all aspects of society, culture, sociology, gender, biology, linguistics, archaeology etc with their relevance in contemporary times.
Margaret Mead’s work as a pioneer in Anthropology has been exceptional and inspirational for me, and her quote which says that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. And I believe that small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can be anywhere around us, entrapped in their daily mundane jobs. We need to bring them together. We need to make best possible of the “Human Resources” around us.